Memorial and Tribute Gifts


Looking for a thoughtful way to remember a friend or loved one? A memorial gift is a simple way to express sympathy while honoring a shared concern for Ohio’s environment.


Overwhelmed by wedding registries and other consumer-driven giving? Give green by making an earth-friendly tribute gift in honor of a wedding, anniversary, graduation, or other special occasion.

To make a memorial or tribute gift, please visit this page or contact us at (614) 487-7506 or


  • Being part of the team that secures healthy air, land, water, and democracy for all Ohioans.
  • Receiving OEC’s event invitations, announcements, and GreenWatch newsletter via mail or email.
  • The opportunity to sharpen your citizen-activist skills through educational events and online action alerts.
  • Invitations to events such as the OEC Annual Meeting and Green Gala.

Your tax-deductible membership gift to the Ohio Environmental Council will help in our mission to secure healthy air, land, water, and democracy for all who call Ohio home.