Tagged In: forests, Public Lands, Wayne National Forest
Ohio Environmental Council, August 21, 2024
The U.S. Forest Service has initiated a first-of-its-kind effort to recognize old-growth forests in national forests across the nation. The federal agency is proposing a nationwide amendment to the forest plans of nearly all national forests in the country. In Ohio, the amendment would apply to Ohio’s only National Forest — the largest public forest in the state.
While we believe the Forest Service’s effort to recognize old-growth forests is a step in the right direction, we also believe it falls far short of ensuring meaningful change and protection for existing old growth and maturing forests that could one day recover old growth status.
Please join us and fellow citizens across the country in asking the Forest Service to provide real, meaningful protections for mature and old-growth forests to protect the health of our planet and future generations.
Public comment is due by September 20, 2024. You have two opportunities to make your voice heard: