Press Release

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A Statement from the Ohio Environmental Council on Early Season Lake Erie Harmful Algal Blooms

David Miller, July 5, 2018

Toledo, Ohio — Several harmful algal blooms have already been identified in different parts of Lake Erie over the last weeks of June. High temperatures in the region have caused blooms to occur almost two weeks earlier than in recent history. The following statement can be attributed in full, or in part, to Peter Bucher, Water Resources Director at the Ohio Environmental Council:

“With the high temperatures we’ve experienced over the last few weeks, the perfect scenario for harmful algal blooms to occur earlier than normal has been observed. These blooms have already caused water advisories for beaches in northeastern Ohio and will likely disrupt recreation and tourism going forward over the summer.

“This problem isn’t getting better and it won’t simply go away. Wastewater Treatment Plants need to be updated and comprehensive nutrient management plans should be required to reduce agricultural runoff or these blooms will remain an annual occurrence, and potentially worsen over time.”
