Take a moment to imagine an Ohio full of winding, wooded trails to explore, towering trees above, and breathtaking natural landscapes.
That’s our vision. And that’s why we work to defend and expand Ohio’s public lands for all to enjoy.
Particularly as we tackle the climate crisis, undisturbed forests — especially our public forests — are our best natural weapons in the fight against climate change. If we protect them, our public forests can realize their fullest potential to reduce carbon levels, act as reservoirs of biodiversity, and serve as havens and escapes for the human spirit.
In contrast to many Western states, most of Ohio’s natural landscapes are privately owned. That makes the protection and stewardship of our public lands all the more important. And, there is much work to be done. Our public forests and parklands face constant threats of exploitation — clearcutting, development, and fossil fuel extraction. To top it off, public lands are often on the budgetary chopping block.
That’s where the OEC comes in. We have a strong track record of successfully advocating for Ohio’s public lands. Whether by increasing funding, expanding outdoor access, or protecting wildlife and sensitive ecosystems, we are committed to protecting the public’s natural inheritance.