As Regional Director, Kylie builds power, presence, and relationships in Southwest Ohio, focusing primarily on the Cincinnati community. She organizes citizens to get involved to make protection of Ohio’s land, air, and water a priority of local and state leaders. Kylie began her career with the national nonprofit Alliance for Climate Education, where she educated students about the science, consequences, and solutions of climate change and guided them in taking local and national action. Most recently, Kylie managed the Green Learning Station – a LEED Platinum certified environmental education center, considered one of the top ten “greenest” buildings in Cincinnati.
Kylie is certified through the National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP) and is a Certified Interpretive Guide. She earned her B.S. in Conservation Science from Muskingum University and M.S. in Environmental Studies from Ohio University, where she was funded by the USDA Forest Service and Georgetown University to conduct urban composting research in Edinburgh, Scotland.