Press Releases

Press Release / 4.25.17

Groups Sue U.S. EPA to Act on Lake Erie

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Press Release / 4.24.17

Trio of Good Government Groups File Congressional Redistricting Proposal: Congressional Reform Mirrors State Reform Measure Approved by 71% of Ohio Voters in 2015

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Press Release / 4.21.17

Rover pipeline, under construction, trashes two Ohio wetlands

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Press Release / 4.3.17

Earthquake hits Wayne National Forest: ODNR suspends activity at nearby fracking sites

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Press Release / 3.28.17

President Trump’s energy executive order puts U.S. behind the pack

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Press Release / 3.27.17

The OEC Welcomes Sarah Spence as Director of Government Affairs

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Press Release / 3.24.17

Keystone XL Pipeline threatens drinking water, sets U.S. back on climate action

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Press Release / 3.24.17

Stories from fracking country: Ohioans on the frontline of oil and gas development demand stronger protections for their communities

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Press Release / 3.23.17

Toledo and Lucas County speak out for real solutions on toxic algae

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Press Release / 3.23.17

Local governments speak out for real solutions on toxic algae

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Press Release / 2.17.17

Ohio Environmental Council’s Statement on U.S. Senate’s Vote to Confirm Scott Pruitt for EPA

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Press Release / 2.17.17

Ohioans rally to oppose Scott Pruitt as head of EPA: Concerned citizens urge Senators Brown and Portman to reject controversial nominee

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