Court Decision Threatens to Rob Ohioans of Vital Natural Area
Ohio Environmental Council, September 7, 2016
On Friday, the Franklin County Common Pleas Court ordered the State of Ohio to transfer its deed to the Sawmill Wetlands to a private commercial developer. This latest legal twist threatens to turn over this important environmental gem to a developer rather than preserving it into perpetuity for the public as they committed to when it took over ownership of the land in 1996. In response to the this judgement, Heather Taylor-Miesle, Executive Director of the Ohio Environmental Council issued the following statement urging the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to appeal the court ruling and to do all it can to save Sawmill Wetlands.
“This decision is deeply troubling and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources should appeal it immediately. Sawmill Wetlands is an important and rare natural area that the state is legally committed to preserving into perpetuity. The OEC will work tirelessly to protect this critical gem and ensure the State of Ohio fulfills its commitment to preserve it for all Ohioans to enjoy.”
Read more about Sawmill Wetlands and the Ohio Environmental Council’s efforts to protect it here.