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OEC Reaction to the 2022 Lake Erie Harmful Algal Bloom Forecast

Columbus, OH — The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its 2022 forecast detailing how severe—on a scale of zero to ten—this summer’s harmful algal blooms will be in Lake Erie’s Western Basin. 

At this time, scientists project that the 2022 Lake Erie harmful algal bloom will have a severity of 3.5, but the uncertainty in these forecasts indicate a potential severity of up to 4. The 2021 Lake Erie harmful algal bloom was projected to be a severity of 4.5, but resulted in a severity of 6.0. Even low severity harmful algal blooms can threaten our environment and economy. 

Harmful algal blooms have been found in water bodies across the state of Ohio in the past, including in the Ohio River, Buckeye Lake, and Grand Lake Saint Mary. For a current list of advisories, see this resource from the Ohio Department of Health

The following quote can be attributed to Pete Bucher, Interim Advocacy Center Manager for the Ohio Environmental Council (OEC): 

“Harmful algal blooms threaten the quality and safety of Ohioans’ drinking water and recreational opportunities, while also hurting our environment and economy. No family should have to worry about toxic algae when turning on their tap or visiting the shores of our Great Lake. Unfortunately, this is the reality for too many Ohioans year after year. 

“We must continue to work with great urgency across sectors to eliminate toxic algae threats and protect Ohio’s water resources, especially in the face of climate change. Sustained investments in the H2Ohio program, continued support of the Domestic Action Plan for Lake Erie, and advancement of the Maumee Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load plan will be critical to meeting our phosphorus reduction commitments by 2025, ensuring a healthier Lake Erie for all.”


The Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) is the state’s most comprehensive, effective and respected environmental advocate for a healthier, more sustainable Ohio. The OEC develops and ensures the implementation of forward-thinking, science-based, pragmatic solutions to secure healthy air, land, and water for all who call Ohio home. 

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