Tagged In: Air Pollution, clean air, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Health, EPA, Fossil Fuels, Fracking, Green Energy, methane, Mining & Drilling, Natural Resources, Ohio
Emily Bacha, Vice President of Public Affairs, August 29, 2019
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler proposed to eliminate direct regulation of methane from the EPA’s New Source Performance Standards.
The following statement can be attributed in full or in part to Trish Demeter, Chief of Staff for the Ohio Environmental Council:
“Today, President Trump and his Environmental Protection Agency proposed to eliminate EPA’s methane rules. This dangerous move will rollback critical federal oversight of the nation’s nation’s 900,000+ oil and gas wells, more than 58,000 of which can be found in Ohio, and will dramatically increase methane pollution, a harmful driver of climate change.
“The nation’s oil and gas industry releases over 13 million metric tons of methane pollution annually, and the problem is only likely to get worse as drilling continues to expand. Methane pollution has been linked to a quarter of all human-made climate change, and if we don’t act now to limit emissions, it will limit our ability to mitigate the effects of climate change and its harmful impacts on our most vulnerable communities.
“Addressing climate change is a problem that cannot wait. Shell, ExxonMobil, and BP have already urged the EPA to not rollback methane emission protections, but to instead tighten those standards. If the people and the industry are in support of tighter standards, why is the Trump administration determined to dismantle these protections?
“This rollback is bad for our state, our country, and our climate. There is no time to waste. We must act now to protect communities by strengthening, not cutting, federal methane standards.”
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