Tagged In: Big Darby Creek, Clean Water, Ohio EPA
Marisa Twigg, Creative and Communications Director, September 11, 2023
COLUMBUS, OH —The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency announced last week that it will consider recategorizing the Big and Little Darby Creeks as Outstanding National Resource Waters, a classification that provides the strongest level of protection under the Clean Water Act.
Earlier this year, the Ohio Environmental Council, the Darby Creek Association, the Center for Biological Diversity, American Rivers, Ohio Scenic Rivers Association, Forest Keeper, Sierra Club Ohio and the Nature Conservancy submitted formal comments to protect the Big and Little Darby Creeks as Outstanding National Resource Waters. Thousands of supporters in Ohio and across the country joined the groups in calling for the designations.
“For decades, the OEC has worked alongside advocates to protect the Big and Little Darby Creeks from pollution. Thousands of Ohioans and others from across the country called for increased protections this year, and the Ohio EPA’s latest action is in response to the power of their voices. The Ohio EPA is taking a step in the right direction to protect Big and Little Darby Creeks,” Chris Tavenor, Associate General Counsel for the Ohio Environmental Council said. “We’re excited to advocate throughout the rulemaking process for the critical Outstanding National Resource Water designation for Big and Little Darby Creeks.”
“With their numerous federally endangered species and significant terrestrial and aquatic diversity, Big and Little Darby Creeks meet every conceivable definition of nationally significant waterways,” John Tetzloff with the Darby Creek Association, said. “The Ohio EPA’s decision to review both for designation as National Resource Waters is a logical and essential step in protecting these priceless streams.”
“The Big and Little Darby creeks are national treasures that urgently need protection,” said Will Harlan, Senior Scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity. “They’re two of the most biologically diverse waterways in the country, beloved recreational rivers, and the lifeblood of central Ohio. Protecting these rivers is good for wildlife and good for people.”
To learn more about the joint request to the Ohio EPA to designate the Creeks as Outstanding National Resource Waters, click here.