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Hundreds of Ohioans join OEC in calling on Ohio Power Siting Board to factor climate change in rule changes

Columbus, OH — On Friday, September 2, the Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) joined other parties in submitting comments to the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB), as the Board contemplates rule changes for new power plants, including large scale solar and wind projects. As communities bear the costs of climate change’s devastating impacts, including a statewide summer power outage that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of customers, the OPSB must consider climate change and greenhouse gas emissions in the power siting process. More than 200 Ohioans provided individual comments urging the OPSB to do just that. 

In August, the OEC filed initial comments, along with 45 individual commenters, pressing the Board for clear guidance on how it will consider the public interest and climate change. On September 2, the OEC filed reply comments that reinforced these points alongside nearly 170 additional public commenters. The full docket is available here:

The following response can be attributed in full or in part to Nolan Rutschilling, Managing Director of Energy Policy for the Ohio Environmental Council (OEC):

“For years, the Ohio Power Siting Board has failed to consider climate change and greenhouse gas emissions as part of its power siting process. As part of the Board’s mandatory five-year rule review process, the Ohio Environmental Council proudly joined 214 public commenters, Natural Resources Defense Council, and others to call for fair and evidence-based rules to determine which power plants can set up shop in Ohio.”

“We are overwhelmed by the public outcry for centering climate change in the power plant siting process. The last comprehensive rule review of this kind, Case No. 12-1981-GE-BRO, received only one public comment throughout the entire review process. A narrower rule review in 2019, Case No. 19-0778-GE-BRO, received 12 total public comments. 

“Since taking the top role at the Ohio Power Siting Board, PUCO Chair French has made public involvement in the process a priority. We are excited to see this increased public involvement in action, especially as the Board engages in the important process of reviewing rules that have a direct impact on our environment and the health of Ohio communities.”


The Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) is the state’s most comprehensive, effective and respected environmental advocate for a healthier, more sustainable Ohio. The OEC develops and ensures the implementation of forward-thinking, science-based, pragmatic solutions to secure healthy air, land, and water for all who call Ohio home.

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