David Miller, March 11, 2019
Columbus, Ohio — Today, President Trump released his Budget Blueprint outlining his priorities for fiscal year 2020. The President’s proposed budget cuts the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative by $270 million, the Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds by $874 milion, and completely zeroing out funding for multiple programs which benefit our water.
The following statement can be attributed in full, or in part, to Kristy Meyer, Vice President of Policy, Natural Resources for the Ohio Environmental Council:
“Instead of working to solve the water infrastructure crisis facing our country, President Trump’s proposed 2020 Budget proposes cuts to vital programs that keep Ohioans’ drinking water safe and reduces the amount of sewage flowing into our waterways. Ohio faces a dire need for $26 billion in water infrastructure upgrades over the next two decades, and we need quick work to get these problems under control. This budget proposal doesn’t do that.
“Unfortunately the President’s proposed budget once agains puts the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative on the chopping block, proposing a $270 million cut in funding compared to FY19. Not only is the GLRI a good investment – for every dollar spent to restore the Great Lakes, at least $6 is returned – but the funds support important projects in the western Lake Erie basin to reduce the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen running off farm fields. Lake Erie can’t wait. We need Congress to work to restore GLRI funding to ensure the future of our Great Lake.”