1. Do you know what your “ask” is?
2. Did you pack your fact-sheet (with your contact information on it) and any
back up (i.e., newspaper article, report, photos, etc.)?
3. Are you ready to refute opposition arguments?
4. Are you ready to “Start where they are, not where you are”?
5. Do you have a personal anecdote to share?
6. Do you have a couple of questions that you want to ask?
7. Did you bring along a “thank you” or a compliment to share?
8. Is there a field trip or event upcoming to which you can invite the lawmaker?
1. Did you make the “ask”?
2. What did the lawmaker say/promise/question/dispute/request?
3. Why does the lawmaker support/oppose/have no position on your “ask”?
4. Make a note of:
5. Do you owe the lawmaker any additional information?
6. Did you send a follow-up letter, e-mail, or note?