Emily Bacha, Vice President of Public Affairs, September 3, 2019
On Sept. 3, Toledo City Council unanimously authorized the City of Toledo to negotiate Uniform Water Purchase and Supply contract agreements with eight neighboring communities. The Ohio Environmental Council applauds Toledo City Council for authorizing these negotiations.
The following statement can be attributed in full or part to Nicholas Mandros, Northwest Ohio Regional Director for the Ohio Environmental Council:
“As record rainfalls, algal blooms and other climate change impacts stress our aging water systems, we urge the City of Toledo and neighboring communities to continue to work together to approve a regional water contract for northwest Ohio. This cooperative investment in a regional water system will be imperative to maintaining the long term sustainability and success of Toledo and the region.
“As northwest Ohio and the Great Lakes region face increasing water infrastructure improvement needs it will be crucial that Ohioans water bills remain affordable. Too often these improvements increase rates and force families to choose between their water and other essentials. This community understands better than most what life is like without usable water, this agreement can go a long way towards ensuring water affordability is an essential objective when tackling much-needed infrastructure upgrades that improve water quality.
“This new regional water contract, if crafted carefully and with critical goals in mind, could ensure that the communities in northwest Ohio will have access to clean, safe and affordable drinking water for the next 40 years.”