Press Release

The Ohio Environmental Council Provides Oral Arguments to PUCO Regarding Consumer Protections

David Miller, January 12, 2018

Columbus, OH — This week, in oral arguments before the PUCO Commission, the OEC and Environmental Law and Policy Center (ELPC) argued for the Commission to revise proposed rules to ensure customers are fully compensated for the value that their home-based electricity generating systems provide to the grid.

“Installation of renewable technologies in Ohio is a rapidly growing trend, and proper compensation for these customers that assist in providing electricity to the grid is necessary to advance Ohio’s state policy to encourage implementation of distributed generation,” said Miranda Leppla, Clean Energy Attorney at the Ohio Environmental Council.

The OEC and ELPC argued on behalf of themselves as well as Vote Solar, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and Environmental Defense Fund in the oral arguments. The OEC and ELPC also requested minor clarifications to the rules in order to allow more flexibility for landowners installing home-based generation projects.