David Miller, May 8, 2018
Columbus, Ohio — The following statement can be attributed to Heather Taylor-Miesle, Executive Director of the Ohio Environmental Council:
“Tonight’s victory is the result of a tremendous amount of blood, sweat, and tears from volunteers across Ohio who put in time and effort to make our democracy stronger for years to come.
“The Ohio Environmental Council’s involvement in this effort began last year when a prominent Ohio Republican told us that we wouldn’t make progress on making real environmental change unless we fixed our gerrymandered congressional districts. We set to work establishing a coalition of groups like Common Cause Ohio and the League of Women Voters, and worked together supporting volunteers across the state, and actively negotiating with elected leaders resulting in this ballot measure.
“Earlier this year, when we were at the table negotiating with elected leaders at the Statehouse, we couldn’t have imagined this moment of victory. Starting in 2022, our congressional districts across Ohio will be more representative of communities, and thus the voters who deserve to have their voices heard.
“Tonight, we celebrate, but tomorrow we get back to work to ensure all Ohioans have access to clean air, land and water.”