November 21, 2019
OEC Statement on Launch of H2Ohio Wetlands Projects
Today, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) announced the development of several wetland projects throughout the Maumee River watershed as part of the H2Ohio program. The wetlands are designed to manage water flow and excess nutrients that feed harmful algal blooms, while also providing wildlife habitat.
The following quote can be attributed in full or in part to Pete Bucher, Water Resources Director, Ohio Environmental Council:
“Wetlands are a critical part of our ecosystems, as they naturally filter water and trap nutrients and sediments. The OEC applauds the launch of ODNR’s wetland program as part of the larger H2Ohio plan to ensure clean and safe water in Lake Erie and throughout Ohio. This science-based, forward-thinking program is an important part of an all-of-the-above approach to support improved water quality, especially in the face of climate change.”